45 People Share Things That Were Totally Normal to Have or Do 10 Years Ago, But Would Be Strange Today
Remember Redbox?
Nowadays, streaming is all the rage, but in the not-so-distant past, it was actually Redbox that was king. The ability to rent a ton of movies and games out of nifty kiosks around a Walmart was revolutionary at the time and seemed like it would become normal.
Unfortunately, it ended up going the way of the Dodo instead, like physical media in general. After all, when you can stream something directly to your device, why would you want the hassle of renting a disc from a physical location?
What Happened to Guitar Hero?
Most people don’t realize it, but the 2010s saw a lot of weird innovations in gaming, many of which had to do with more interactive means of playing games, like the Wii, Xbox Kinect, and games like Guitar Hero. At the time, it seemed like these might become the future of gaming.
Yet, you almost never see such game tools or consoles anymore. What happened to them? Were they just a trend that died off in popularity? There are still some examples around today, but nowhere near as many as there used to be.
K-Mart Still Stands
Ten years ago, it was pretty normal to see a K-mart somewhere in town. But nowadays, it’s almost impossible to do so, mostly because the company has downsized a ton. Sure, there are a handful of K-marts left in the world, but it’s a truly sparse number.
For us older people, seeing a store we used to consider a normal part of our city fade away into nothingness kind of hurts, even if we never went there ourselves. Maybe that’s just part of aging, to feel so nostalgic about everything.
You’ve Been Poked
Honestly, even though Facebook is still around, it has definitely petered off in popularity over the past few years. It certainly isn’t as big as it was ten or even five years ago. Needless to say, poke wars aren’t really a thing anymore.
Heck, can you even still poke people on Facebook at all? It’s been a while since we’ve checked on the ability to do that. Maybe Facebook will one day go the way of MySpace, only to be usurped by a new social media platform.
They say time flies, but you never realize how true that is until you look back on the past ten years and see how much things have actually changed. Remember when phones actually came with earphone jacks? Remember when Blu-Ray was supposed to be the next big thing, or when Saturn was still a car manufacturer? A lot of things go away in ten years — these people went online to make sure we didn’t forget any of it.