40+ Texts From Our Infinitely Loving Parents

When It Comes to Texting, Parents Don’t Always Get it Right

When it comes to parents and technology, not everyone has it completely down yet. As you can see in these messages, many moms and dads don’t know how to properly write and send a text message, never mind a Tweet. Despite this, the parents on this list are always endearing, adorable, and hilarious. Whether it’s some classic Dad jokes, a sweet gesture, or a misunderstood abbreviation, these texts are sure to make you smile. Read on for a list of texts from our infinitely loving parents.

Figuring It All Out

Let’s kick things off with this text message, from a Mom who has finally “entered the digital age.” We know what that’s like – plenty of people end up persuading their parents to get a smartphone and start enjoying its many benefits.

Figuring It All Out

This person is trying to text their Mom’s new phone, and starts to get a little concerned when there’s no response. No fear, because Mom is still figuring it all out. Her first question is an important one – how do you do a space?

We’re All JK Here

Next up we have a classic Dad joke but sent over text message. To be fair to this father, Dad jokes are usually pretty corny, but at least this one uses a fairly modern book and movie. This Dad asks his kid what Harry Potter’s favorite way of getting down a hill is.

We’re All JK Here

Personally, we would have asked Harry Potter’s favorite way of getting around. When the person responds – like they do here – you just have to say “J.K. Rowling,” referencing both the author and the abbreviation.

Listen Very Carefully

When it comes to parents, some Moms and Dads really want their children to succeed. Well, most parents want their kids to succeed, but some want it above everything else. This mom really wants their kid to get to the head of the line, even if that means cutting in front of other people’s kids. Classic, right?

Listen Very Carefully

When this child complains they have to wait in a long line, their mom simply tells them to go to the head of it. Simple.

Fried Fish Fillets for Everyone

We love this text message exchange between someone and their Dad. As you can see, this person’s father decided to cook up some lightly fried fish fillets at one in the morning, and just keeps going on about it. Rather than asking their kid if they want “some food,” this proud cook just keeps mentioning his lightly fried fish fillets.

Fried Fish Fillets for Everyone

This is such a classic parent exchange, where the Dad is responding seriously and in full English, whereas the child is just trying to get information.