Parents Have Unexpected Surprise at Birth
As diverse as the world has become, there are still some families that surprise those around them with how they look. Rachel and Aaron Halbert’s lives took a crazy turn when Rachel gave birth. The story of Rachel and Aaron proves that while it can be difficult, it’s also worth it, especially with a story as remarkable as theirs.
Aaron Grew Up in Honduras
Aaron was no stranger to diversity. He stuck out a lot as an evangelical missionary child in Honduras due to his blonde-haired, blue-eyed looks. However, growing up in that environment showed him how people can look different - yet we're all the same deep down.

It often takes growing up in a diverse neighborhood or city to open your mind and recognize that we aren't all as different as we're led to believe.
Rachel’s Upbringing Was Different
Rachel, on the other hand, had a very different upbringing. She grew up in the delta of Mississippi, where people can sometimes be closed-minded towards those who don't look like them.

A few trips to Haiti changed Rachel's perspective as she spent time around the wonderful citizens there and saw through the racial prejudice she was raised with for the first time. Little did she know that it would change her life forever.
They Shared the Same Mission
In 2004, Rachel and Aaron met on a blind date and they quickly knew how right their relationship was. They both felt that they were down-to-earth people, and they shared a lot of similar goals.

A big goal for them, due to the way they were raised, was to continue using the gospel to change the world and make it into a better place. This wasn't too hard for them to do thanks to Aaron's background.
When Dreams Come Together
Their relationship eventually took a turn towards romance, since Rachel always felt like Aaron was the one. One thing that helped was that they both knew one thing without a doubt - they wanted to adopt.

We know what you're thinking; adopting a load of puppies sounds like heaven! But no, children were what they both had in mind. They really wanted to start a family, and adoption was very important to both of them.