30+ Seniors Open Up About the Highs and the Lows of Retirement

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We tend to associate loneliness with the older generation, particularly those who are retired. And while this is sadly very true for many people, plenty of others find a renewed zest for life when they get older. We have sourced insights from more than several seniors on what life is like after retirement. Get ready for the good, the bad, the sad, and the hopeful!

The Beauty of Humanity

After officially retiring, finding a place in society robs many people of their sense of identity. However, there are plenty of ways to experience the beauty of humanity and discover that you still matter. After all, it’s the little things that truly count.

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In this person’s case, that could be anything from feeding the birds, caring for a pet, or showing kindness to everyone you meet. Retirement is a big deal, but every day afterward can be filled with small but significant moments if we choose them.

Animal Companions

Many people seek solace in animal companions; retirement is the perfect time to adopt a pet. This senior confirms the importance of seeking salvation in another living being when feeling lonely or uninspired. If meeting people is a problem, an animal makes great company.

Pinterest // @mymodernmet

Retirees have all the time in the world to spend with their pets, which is why they make such good pet owners. A pet will happily join its owner for walks, listen to its owner speak, and make its owner smile when they’re having a bad day.

Life Is Unpredictable

Remember that common saying, “Life works in mysterious ways”? It’s a sentiment that can be applied to the mixed feelings seniors experience when they retire. Suddenly, life changes, but that doesn’t mean it gets worse. Sometimes, it gets better than before.

Pinterest // @metrouk

For this person, giving up is the worst thing you can do when you struggle with retirement. However, if you keep going, you might one day change lives, including your own. Continuing to fight in spite of everything is a victory.

Showing Gratitude to Yourself

Nothing is as good for the soul as self-love, as this next senior points out. However, it can be tough to show gratitude when you don’t know what you’re supposed to be thankful for. That’s why it’s important to look after yourself first.

Pinterest // @metrouk

We have to admit that this person emphasizes four things: nutrition, exercise, community, and purpose. These are all essential for living a positive life. Being grateful for what you have prevents you from obsessing over what you’ve lost by retiring.