30 Horrible Mistakes People Made at Work That Their Coworkers Never Forgot

This article appeared in thedaddest.com and has been published here with permission.

Have you ever made a mistake at work? Odds are you have — and you worked to fix it, called over a manager, or even had a meeting about it after the fact. However, these work mistakes might make you feel a little better about yours... or worse about theirs! From the mundane to the heartbreaking, these mistakes would make you second-guess coming in the next day.

We Need More Story

You read things sometimes and can't help but wonder where the rest of the story is. This is one of those stories. We completely understand that this is a major mistake.

We Need More Story

There's not really any good way to be surprised by this much water in a restaurant. We just also really wonder how this person managed to mess up like this. How much damage did something like this do?

Not the Calf!

Farming is a crucial job, but it isn't easy. Taking care of animals and crops takes hard work and long hours - plus a healthy understanding of your trade.

Not the Calf!

When you take care of living things, though, you also get pretty familiar with the circle of life. However, you probably hope that you don't have this much of a hand in it. This seems like it would be a pretty horrifying scene for everyone... but mostly the calf.

Not a Great Fourth Day

When you first start a job, you're probably already a bit nervous about making a mistake. After all, you're still learning the ropes and figuring out how things work. Most mistakes are generally expected and manageable when you first start, though.

Not a Great Fourth Day

Then again, those mistakes don't usually cause a problem quite this massive. Can you blame them for leaving and never coming back after this happened on just the fourth day?

This Will Take a While

While you watch your movies on a disc or on a streaming service at home, movie theaters rely on a projector to give you that larger-than-life picture in the dark.

This Will Take a While

Of course, you have to carefully take care of these reels for them to work. If they, for example, came unrolled and fell on the floor, it might take you a while to correct the mishap.