20+ Annoying Questions Men Should Never Ask Women and the Reasons Why
Maybe Just Don’t
There are some things that you can and can’t do when you see someone having a rough time. There are some things that simply don’t help and thoughts you should keep in your head and maybe take a second to analyze them.
If someone looks emotional, odds are, there’s something going on. Just writing a woman off as emotional with questions like this is not only thoughtless but it definitely isn’t going to make anyone feel any better.
This One Either
While you should never ask someone whether they lost weight, that’s really not the only one that you should avoid when you see someone.
Men, if you’re wondering if a woman in your life has put on weight, you really shouldn’t just come out and ask it. Much like asking someone their specific weight, it’s none of your business and pretty much never appropriate. In fact, maybe no one should be asking anyone this question.
They Might Hear You!
There are some decisions that are rather permanent. Once you start raising your children, you’re pretty much in for the long haul. Odds are, you like the kids that you have too.
You probably even love them. While we can see why someone might be curious about parents regretting parenthood, it’s not really a good idea to put someone on the spot with something like that. After all, you’re asking if they ever wish their loved ones don’t exist.
On the Other Hand
While you shouldn’t ask a woman if she regrets having her kids, you shouldn’t do the opposite to single women or women who don’t have children.
Whether someone wants to get married or have children is a question that takes a lot of consideration and it’s a very personal decision. In case that didn’t sum it up, we’ll say this — a woman’s life and family plans aren’t good small talk.
There are some things that you simply shouldn’t say. In fact, oftentimes, you’re better off keeping some of your thoughts to yourself. These women were ready to share exactly why they wanted men to stop asking these questions to clear up any confusion, ya know, for all the men listening.