40+ Women Share How They React to Men and Their Inappropriate Behavior

40+ Women Share How They React to Men and Their Inappropriate Behavior

Not all men are bad. But unfortunately, a lot of them just feel way too comfortable being inappropriate around women, be it in a professional setting or otherwise. Why they feel OK with doing this, we have no idea, but women around the world have been forced to deal with it. From calling them out on it to flipping the script, here are the many ways they react to inappropriate behavior.

The Harassment Log

Many women feel they can’t say anything about their boss and his inappropriate behavior, lest they lose their job. Unfortunately, this is true in many scenarios. But sometimes, your superior can get in a lot of trouble for what he says.

The Harassment Log

So, pretending to keep some sort of log about all of the ways someone wrongs you might actually be a pretty good idea. At any rate, it might scare them into behaving more often.

By the Book

The worst thing a woman can do when responding to inappropriate behavior from men is to entertain it. After all, that gives the impression that you find it acceptable. But, if you don’t want to be outright snarky, a good way to respond is to be as technical and factual as possible.

By the Book

After all, if you aren’t “fun” to mess with, people should hopefully stop bothering you. We know it’s not as simple as all that, but this lifeguard handled this harassment pretty well.

Be Direct, Feign Confusion

Some companies even teach their employees how to respond to inappropriate behavior, although how well they do that tends to vary. In this case, though, these are good ways to react — feign confusion and ask someone what they mean or repeat themselves.

Be Direct, Feign Confusion

After all, most men won’t be too eager to repeat themselves or outright explain why they thought their behavior was acceptable. That makes this one of the best ways to shut down such behavior right away.

Tiger Mom

The sad reality is that many men are inappropriate even with girls much younger than them. Even minors. In those cases, you can’t always expect a young teenager to know how to react. But, of course, you should be able to trust the mom to take care of it.

Tiger Mom

Threatening to kill someone is very extreme, but then again, the way this man was acting toward a minor was unacceptable. So, we can’t really blame the mom for her decision.