25+ People Are Sharing Their “Oh No, I’m Old” Moments, and Whether You’re 30, 60, or 90, They’ll Hit Close to Home

Back in Our Day…

Whether we like it or not, old age is coming for each of us. And while it can sometimes feel like you’ve suddenly woken up one morning far older than when you went to bed, there are certain signs along the way that you may not be a youngster anymore. These 40+ people have shared the moments they realized they’re officially old — and we hate to say it but they’re super relatable!

Does That Mean We’re Antiques?

We’re sorry to say that we’re about to make this even worse by informing you that there’s an iPod in the Smithsonian Museum. Let’s speculate which everyday items will become ancient next, shall we?

Does That Mean We’re Antiques?

Our bet is cars that people actually drive will be replaced with self-driving models. We also think carrying any device will become irrelevant, as we’ll eventually get SIM card-like technologies embedded into our skin. Sounds crazy? We repeat — there’s an iPod in the Smithsonian!!!

A Riveting Discussion

Please tell us, what’s worse? The reality of the OP having a full-on conversation about mops or the fact that we really wish we’d been a part of it?

A Riveting Discussion

As much as the OP may feel shame over what they now consider to be an interesting conversation, we’d argue that the joke’s on the youngsters whose houses are filthy because they think they’re too cool to talk about cleaning products. Just kidding, just kidding — they can’t afford houses!

Crisis Averted

For any youngsters reading who may not know, Y2K was this huge crisis everyone was anticipating, which turned out to be a whole lot of nothing.

Crisis Averted

In short, people were worried that computers wouldn’t know how to interpret the year 2000 in their systems, and mayhem would ensue. As it turns out, everything was completely fine and the world did not end. In fact, reading the OP’s post has just caused us far more strife than Y2K ever did.

Young and Restless

When you’re young, athletes tend to be your age or older. So, a surefire sign that you’re officially old is when stars are significantly younger than you. It makes sense, though, doesn’t it? After all, it seems like a bad idea to have mature Olympic athletes.

Young and Restless

You’d have to worry about them getting injured, being unable to hear their coach, or stopping to yell at some kids in the stands. That said, we’d 100% pay to see the Geriatric Olympics — as long as it doesn’t air during our nap time.