40+ Hilarious Kids That Are Too Smart for Their Own Good

These Kids Are Too Smart for Their Own Good

Kids have yet to really learn how to filter their thoughts. This can lead to some pretty funny moments, some of which have been shared online in many different places. From putting a toy dinosaur in front of the baby monitor to scaring their parents to changing their parents’ names on Google Assistant, these kids are just way too smart for their own good. We hope these hilarious kids give you as much laughter as they did us!

Bath Time

There are a lot of art projects that kids get to do. Drawing is a particular favorite with kids of all ages. It’s a great way to get them to show you their thoughts and feelings, while also letting them explore their creativity.

Taking a Bath

This mom wasn’t talking about an art project, though. But, the kid did exactly what their mother asked them to do in the most hilariously literal way possible.

Saved You a Slice

When you get home from work, you typically want a nice hot meal and to relax. Hopefully, your family will help you out and leave a plate ready for you. We hope that this kid was just trying to do a nice thing.

Saved You a Slice

We hope that was what they were doing, and the parent just took it the wrong way. Since this was posted on r/slightlyinfuriated, we don’t think the parent quite appreciated the joking effort.

Hang Up

As kids, we were always given a task that we just didn’t want to do, and this kid found a way to get one over on their parents. This is a sure sign of rebellion and a healthy dose of sarcasm on the kid’s part.

Hang Up

We guess after so many times of being told to hang up the phone — they just thought they would follow through on that.


Many parents install nanny cams in their kids’ bedrooms, allowing them to see everything and ensuring their kids are always safe. When they’re toddlers, it’s easy to use this equipment, but as they get older, they start to understand what is happening.


This kid must have gotten to the age that he realized what was going on and thought he would make his parents a little scared. We happen to think it was a good one.