40+ Everyday Uses For Lemons That We Wish We Knew About Sooner

When Life Gives You Lemons…

There are so many things that are lying around your house that have more uses than you know. One of those is the simple lemon. With just that one little yellow citrus fruit, you get a tool for cleaning, a medicinal ingredient, and so much more. So we thought we would help you by pulling together some of the everyday uses for lemons that we’d wish we knew about sooner. Maybe you will get as much as we did out of the information.

Polish It Up

Nobody likes dull and tarnished silverware or brass. So making sure you polish them up regularly is a necessity. To do this, you can use one of the many premade polishes, or you can make your own.

Polish It Up

Take salt and mix it with lemon juice until it forms a paste. With a toothbrush, rub it over the surface of the item. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Polish the piece until it is dry.

Insect Repellent

Lemons are great for insect repellants. If you have an ant problem, you can spritz lemon around all the window sills and door jams. This will keep them from entering your house, but this will have to be done frequently.

Insect Repellent

You can also use lemon to get rid of mosquitoes outside as well. All you have to do is cut the lemon in half and stick some cloves in the flesh part of the lemon. Then set outside and you shouldn’t have any problems.

No More Flakes

There are few things more frustrating and embarrassing than an itchy, flaky scalp. Not only will you have to fight the urge to scratch, but you will have to keep an eye on your shoulders to make sure that you don’t have a little snow there.

No More Flakes

There are shampoos and other things out there to help you with dandruff, but you can also use lemon. Take two tablespoons of lemon juice and rub it into your scalp. Rinse it out with water. Repeat this every time you wash your hair until the dandruff is gone.


Lemon has antibacterial properties, and that means you can use it to help with infections. Infections of the ear, throat, or anywhere else are easily treated with some lemon, salt, and water. Of course, if they are serious, you should definitely see a physician, but adding lemon to the process can’t hurt.


Mix the lemon juice with a little salt in some warm or hot water. Then if for the throat, gargle with it on a regular schedule. For other infections like the ear, you may want to leave out the salt. But take the other ingredient and pour a little in the ear. Let set and then remove.