20+ Entitled Dinner Guests Who Prove That if There’s Nothing Nice to Say, Better Say Nothing
Interesting Complaint
A lot of things are just better homemade. After all, it’s fresh and you get it warm out of the oven. Plus, you can tailor it to the tastes of your audience.
However, that might not help if your audience prefers the taste of canned peach cobbler over this fresh stuff. Even still, couldn’t they have been a little nicer about the effort this person put in? What do you get out of complaining about someone’s effort like this?
A Little Nicer
When you go to a potluck, the idea is that everyone brings something. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to eat a little bit of everything.
If you see something you don’t like, there’s no problem with politely passing on it. Had this person done that, it would have been fine, even if it was a little rough to have a dish that wasn’t a hit. It was the rude comment here that was completely unnecessary.
Better Brownies
When you go all out with baking, it can take a lot of time and effort. This person even went the extra mile with a few expensive ingredients.
That was because they were trying to make this person a special Christmas present. We wonder if he even tried a brownie before he made this comment. This would definitely make you think twice about which guests you bake for in the future.
A Thanks Would Work
There are some things that you don’t have to do but you do them just out of the kindness of your heart. There was no event happening at work.
This person just thought it’d be a nice gesture to share something they baked with their coworkers. If those coworkers didn’t like it, they should have just passed on the offer. Complaining about it is a bit entitled when it comes to free food.
No matter how much you like to cook, the best part is always enjoying the meal at the end of all the hard work. However, it seems like some guests are determined to make things awkward or just don’t seem to show their appreciation to the host who spent all their time trying to craft the perfect meal. These internet users all shared some of their most entitled dinner guests.