A Look Behind The Scenes Of Blazing Saddles – Including The Infamous Line That Was Not Meant To Be Said

This article appeared in www.brain-sharper.com and has been published here with permission.

1974 brought one of the funniest films ever made by Warner Brothers. It hit the silver screen and made huge waves, and is still hugely popular to this day, decades after its release. However, critical reactions were mixed when the movie was initially released. Considering the massive fuss that was caused concerning this groundbreaking and record making film, it is no surprise many wanted to know what really went on behind the scenes. Here are little-known facts about Blazing Saddles – the film that is considered a Western-spoof masterpiece to this very day. These facts are guaranteed to change your entire perspective when watching the film the next time around.

An Unlikely Appearance

Movie premieres are known to be glamorous and saturated with the most expensive tailored suits and A-listers popping out of fancy rides.

blazing saddles
An Unlikely Appearance

However, for this film, guests arrived on horseback, to match the film’s theme.

Down You Go

Film fanatics will remember the following scene very well: the brutish Mongo parked his horse in a no parking zone, and then was confronted by a fellow horse rider. Mongo then calmly walked over and clobbered the horse, and by doing so, he knocked them both to the ground.

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Down You Go

Apparently, Brooks did not simply make up this part out of thin air, but rather, it was inspired by a real-life story he once heard from his old boss, Sid Caesar.

Bad Taste

Despite how hilarious Mongo’s knockout punch scene was considered, some viewers saw it as inappropriate. Animal rights activists were enraged with the treatment of the horse, despite the fact that in reality, no horses were injured. Still, it was argued that a lesser violent scene could have been made, which would not have made others get any ideas as was suggested in the film.

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Bad Taste

Fortunately, the filmmakers did not have to harm any animals to film the scene, as they had horses trained to fall on command.

Getting The Boot

In the first round of shooting, the Waco Kid was played by Gig Young. One of the early scenes shot was when the Waco Kid hung from his bunk, intoxicated, and berates Bart. Upon viewing the scenes, you might think that Young is an amazing actor for acting drunk so accurately.

blazing saddles
Getting The Boot

However, the truth was, he was actually drunk, to the point where production had to be stopped. Gig was booted, and Gene Wilder replaced him. Years later, Young filed suit against the studio for breach of contact.