Revisiting the Past: This Is What Hygiene Was Like in Colonial America
We often take our access to good plumbing and a vast selection of cleaning products for granted, not knowing that they were nonexistent during the colonial era. The absence of these hygiene tools made America very unclean, as one English traveler remarked, "filthy, bordering on the beastly". Today, we'll be heading back to the colonial era to see their views on personal hygiene.

A Basin of Water and a Wet Cloth
Since plumbing didn't exist during the colonial era, full-body baths were not expected from the colonials. The only people that ever received such a luxury were children, and it wasn't given to clean them, instead, to harden them.

As for adults, they usually bathed by wiping the dirt off their bare skin with a cloth dipped into a pail of water. It's similar to how you'd wipe stains off your shelf.